
︎You can reach out to any of us about any ideas.

We all do a little bit of everything and share notes at weekly meetings. At the same time, we take on a few focused roles and responsibilities.

Angelina Rodgers (they/them)
BFA PT 2025

Angelina will leave the house late at night just to see the moon. From Florida, they feel at home with their fingers and toes in the sand. Find them by sun-sparkling water wondering how it gets any better than this. Angelina loves accidentally memorizing lyrics, ads, and ways home. They are currently swaying with the emotional rollercoaster of Artistic Process and working towards a childlike sense of truth. A poet, they believe words are living beings. They feel presence manifested through a good REM cycle, secondhand laughter, and in-season vegetables. With v.1 now touching all four years of their undergrad, this last one feels special. This year, Angelina is considering how we make things public through digital, tangible, and sensory experiences.

Katherine Fu (he/they)
Managing Editor
BFA CER 2025

Here is what Katherine cannot tell you: what happened last Tuesday, why they hit their growth spurt a year into college, where the jade necklace their mother gifted them went. Here is what Katherine can and will tell you, though: that the feathering of his hair above his collarbones reminds him that youth returns in cycles, that memory is a choice, that simplicity is a gift. A ceramist and writer, Katherine is invested in the intersection of natural and artificial symbols as seen in their childhood cultural narratives. He seeks to pinpoint the driving symbol of a story and examine how its implications remain and warp over temporal and cultural lines. Katherine believes in the power of starchy foods and magical thinking. During his free time, he writes about the weather, the gutters, and the inner turmoil of anonymous nomads in vague spaces. In their final year at both RISD and v.1, Katherine is looking to guide themselves and others through our daily emotional landscapes, hand with heart in hand.

Lucy Nguyen Pham (she/her)
MFA GD 2026

Lucy will never fail to ask you what your MBTI is. As of writing this, she is 9 books behind schedule in her Goodreads challenge. She grew up in the Midwest where she studied art history at Purdue University, worked at an art museum, and volunteered for web-based indie magazines. Her interests in the intersection of art/design history and politics motivated her to pursue an MFA in Graphic Design. After visiting the American Folk Art Museum, she fell in love with folk art and the ability for objects to act as physical archives. She’s also interested in digital, casual archives that act as a gesture speaking to a particular community. Additionally, she’s interested in textiles, ornamentation, and popular culture within the context of feminism. At v.1, she hopes to explore experimental publishing, open source ideas, and accessibility.

Nadine Macapagal (she/her)
BFA GD 2026

Nadine is a problem child at her core. When she’s not having fun fixing printers, she floats in the air between the heavy fog of Daly City, California and the humidity of her childhood home in Valenzuela City, Philippines. She secretly enjoys walking up the steep hills of college hill because it reminds her of home, but her calves don’t know that just yet. As a designer, Nadine loves the way language physically looks (huge fan of ampersands and the letter “a”) and how language can miraculously convey not just meaning, but emotion and experience. At v.1 she’ll work hard to anchor the voices of the community, to create a platform for shared expression—all while trying to turn off InDesign by 1 AM.

Nino Chambers (he/him)
MFA FD 2025

Nino is a designer who writes and heavily relies on his google calendar. He’s frequently seen wearing a white button up and has perfected pan blackened broccoli. He’s fascinated by the tangible ways in which design comes to life and the pragmatics of the business of home. Nino takes pride in his small town background, identifying it as one of the core reasons he believes that good design should be enjoyed by many, rather than coveted by few. His design approach is characterized by an innate curiosity and his work is playful, elegant, and sincere. He’s excited to be a part of the v.1 editorial team and bring his perspective to design writing.

Kobe Jackson (all pronouns)
MA GAC 2024

Despite seeming very serious, Kobe has a complex and silly sense of humor. Enjoying naps between scanning for scenarios on how to escape the matrix or crack the code of life, they contemplate entanglement and mewing while looking up at the sky. A diplomatic bricoleur from Wisconsin, Kobe dabbles in remixology of exhibition curation as a way to balance their efforts in making interdisciplinary art (but usually oil on canvas). They have been indulging their recent cravings for tomato sauce by smashing and frying garlic cloves with crushed tomatoes over linguine. In their 2nd year with v.1 they seek to unravel intermedial vantage points at RISD through mapping the meshwork.

Daniela Ruiz Perez (she/they)
MA GAC 2025

Daniela truly believes that any place is walkable if you want it to be. Coming from a background in geography, she spends most of her free time exploring and trekking around neighborhoods. After dabbling in studio life, she decided to move back into academic work with the goal of engaging with a diverse community. Her research interest lies in the dynamic of ethical transcultural exchange in the age of new media. She uses her interdisciplinary education and methodologies to sculpt an understanding of the interconnectedness in today’s globalized world. Daniela is fascinated with how different environments form the interplay between time, space, and perspective. At v.1, she hopes to move on from her love of commas. But more importantly she aspires to create dialogues and narratives by actively engaging in cultural institutes and community-based collaborations.

Mina Troise (she/her)

Mina is a dedicated big sister to everyone she knows. Born in California and raised in Singapore from the age of twelve, she’s confused by what it means to be from a place. Really, her true home lies somewhere between, in a particularly blue patch of sea. Ask her about her baby blanket (her best and longest friend) or her favorite book (on most days, Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer). She is a lover of bandaids, oversharing, and the forgotten art of complaining. As an illustrator, Mina delights in leveraging legibility, and savors encoding meaning in everything she touches. She is a devout believer in omens, but only the good ones. She’ll always envy a galloping horse. This year at v.1, she is leaning into all things that feel frightening, and writing like her life depends on it.

Arete Xu (she/her)
Managing Editor
BFA SC 2026

There’s no way you can mispronounce Arete’s name. She stumbled on ‘Arete’ on Google when she was ten, trying to figure out what to call herself two weeks after moving to New Zealand. Arête was a minor goddess of virtue and knowledge in ancient Greece, while in English, Arete is a thin crest between two glaciers. Suddenly, she realized that this innocuous unit of letters encompasses the meanings of both characters in her Chinese name 嘉 jia (excellent) and 嵘 rong (mountain peak). Needless to say, Arete loves wordplay. She appreciates the beauty of languages; how they are the distillation of ourselves and bearers of our meaning. That moment of harnessing language felt like perfect clarity; it felt complete. And she wants to share that moment with others. Whether she’s chipping away at wood blocks in the studio or writing a play, Arete is always thinking about stories that form connections. This year at v.1, Arete wants to continue creating these moments of clarity and understanding.

*Arete also goes by Ari for simplicity’s sake

Sarah Qianyin Feng (she/her)
BFA GD 2026

Sarah loves the moments of recalling her dreams from exquisite sleeps. She loves to break her dreams up into pieces, and share different pieces with her crowd of friends and family, savoring alone the whole image and the feedback from each buddy. Sarah shares nearly everything with anyone with joy, except for the toppings in her boba. She’s constantly translating, not only between Chinese and English, but also between her own language and the languages the rest of the world speaks. Sarah just started her first year in v.1, and she traveled all the way from the opposite side of the earth to bring her devotion to graphic design here. So to start, Sarah would like to absorb her passion from every air bubble surrounding her, just like she collects Pompompurins like a storm.

Sako Antonyan (he/him)

Sako is convinced that he was a frog in his past life. In this one, he darts between PDFs of experimental free-verse, film photographs in which his thumb unknowingly pokes into the frame, mango habanero wings, and oversized rings from Los Angeles flea markets. One day, he will design the set of a magnificent opera that will shock the planet out of the Milky Way! Booyah! At school(s), he is studying place-making, urbanity, rooms, playwriting, and how to reconcile navigating daily a Giant Terrifying Hill. He tries, above all else, to explore places and language and conversation with an inquisitive, glowing spirit. He is an alumna of the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program, with poetry published in Olit, Revolute, h-pem, and The Round, among others. He is working on a poetry manuscript about silhouettes and sacrifices. This being his first year at v.1, he is super eager to find a voice through the collective, to harness acute annotations of the world with a passion mighty and everlasting and effervescent.

Henry Ding (he/him)
B.ARCH 2026

Hailing from the land of the Great White North (Toronto, Canada), Henry grew up chasing the rush of a morning snow day, downhill bike rides, and Beyonce's seminal 2018 Coachella performance. He'll always freak out about short-legged dogs, the beauty of fish, and the perfect PB&J. Eventually, Henry hopes to emulate the life of his 96-year-old grandmother, the mahjong queen of her local tea house in mountainous Southern China. Though for now, discount earl grey and conversations with friends on the hill suffice well enough. An aspiring architect-in-training, you could say that his practice rests on the home. For him, this home lies on a sunlit bed of ritual and intimacy. It’s been decided, having a pact with his mom, that he'd create such a home for his parents one day. This year at v.1, he'd like to sit with the RISD community and bond over the often fraught, yet beautiful, process of writing to discover.

David LeGrand (he/him)
MFA PT 2025

David is a collector of moments, ideas, and dialogues, constantly translating the world around him. With his phone always nearby, he captures thoughts and fleeting inspirations, like fragments of a larger story unfolding around him. Conversations for David are not mere exchanges, but delicate dances of meaning, where every word and silence matters. He often appears quiet, not out of detachment but because of his need for deep observation, carefully absorbing the world before sharing his reflections. This habit of silent observation feeds his curiosity, allowing him to connect with both the spoken and the unspoken. His love for the little things, like savoring salmon pasta and the playful tang of sour candy, reflects his appreciation for life's contrasts. For David, translation is not just about language, but about understanding the many layers of experience, bridging the gaps between himself and the world around him. He is still committed to discovering the myriad narratives that weave the student community, aiming to spotlight these stories to foster a more interconnected and inspired campus. He is bearing witness to v.1 giving voice to the RISD community!
