Dream Generator
Ellen Fritz
→BFA PT 2025
confusing abandoned tundra
squires struggled on top the okapi into a molecular journey
lotuses morphing like a corpus
looked like the kelp
big grub

heirlooms wandered inside tumor
gracefully you turn back
video game with transparent walls
and it was hydrated with
guarded bow and arrows

buried abandoned emperor
dungeons digested beneath extinct zodiac
computers running like a root
and looked like the fossil

falling when she ran beside a helicopter
and I passed a broken radar
she journeyed in opposition to vibrations
in vain imagine
anteaters morphing

explore immune jellyfish
perfectly I wondered on spiny cowboys
artificial seahorse and geometric devil harvested mummies
talk closely, mathematic talk servant
We awoke the mossy vessels
Our differences drowned simple fates

These are poems from a dream generator website I created. I used a Javascript algorithm called Tracery to organize the syntax and I fed a language model word repository (corpus) into the generator. The syntax is based on nonsensical entries from my own dream journal entries and the individual words come from a corpus of my poetry. Like seeing faces in inanimate objects, you can find meaning and fun in these randomized word configurations.
Make your own dreams by visiting https://dreamjournal.glitch.me/
All images courtesy of the author.
Ellen Fritz wishes to see Europa.